Kes meist ei tahaks enamat: rohkem energiat, teravamat pead või saledamat keha. Saavutad selle Eesti vaieldamatult parima toitumiskavaga. Püsivalt.
Proovi tasuta!Toitumisnõustaja Erik Orgu on sulle toeks oma toitumise muutmise teekonnal. Erik on selleks koostanud sadu maitsvaid ja lihtsaid retsepte.
Esmalt räägi meile endast ja oma toitumis- ja liikumisharjumustest.
Üks hetk, laen...
Selles kalaroas on klassikalised koostisosad, mis Sinu maitsemeeli alt ei vea.
Kana ja salati mõnusalt maitsestatud kooslus, mis toob välja kanafilee parimad maitsenüansid.
Eksootiliste puuviljadega puder koos klassikalise kodujuustusalatiga annab Sulle päevaks õige alguse!
Patuvabad tervislikud pannkoogid on meie kasutajate lemmikud! Maapähklivõi hoiab kõhu täis – oled tegusaks päevaks valmis.
Valmista lihtne ja tervislik Caesari salat kanaga. Justnagu restoranis.
Erakordne hommikusöök Prantsuse kohvikus? Valmista endale Croque Madame võileib ja eesmärk saavutatud.
Saa osa Inglismaa söögikultuurist selle klassikalise hommikusöögi abil, mille olen sinu jaoks eriti tervislikuks tuuninud.
Kui viimati tavalist burritot sõid, siis võisid seda hiljem pisut kahetseda. Selle lõheburrito puhul kahetsed sa ainult seda, et see nii kiirelt otsa sai.
Magusa kaerahelbepudru ja soolase peekonisalati üllatavalt mõnus harmoonia.
Lihtne, maitsev ja tervislik. Mõnus sügisene ja toitev lõuna.
Krõbe kartuliröst praemunaga annab sulle maitseelamuse ja vajalikud toitained, et saaksid päevast parima võtta.
Kaalium, raud, probitootikumid ja veel mitmed tervislikud toitained selles marjases smuutis hellitavad su tervist.
Kui sul on hommikusöögile kõrged ootused, siis hõrgud krevetid, mahedamaitseline kodujuust ja krõbe leib rahuldavad kindlasti su maitsemeele.
Kuldsed kukeseened ja ahjukartulid maitsva hakklihaga ei valmista sulle pettumust, kui oled nostalgialainel.
Mõnus maitsekooslus – sellest kergest suvisest hõrgutisest ei saa isu kunagi täis.
Kasutajate lemmik. See on poes leiduvast jogurtist kordi parem ja tervislikum.
Pilt räägib rohkem kui tuhat sõna. Sa ei pea loobuma oma lemmik toitudest.
Tervislikumaks ja maitsvamaks on raske minna. Proovi järele!
Mõlgutad mõtteid troopilisest Taist? Võid oma maitsemeeled kohe sinna lennutada, kui valmistad endale Tai punase karri lõhega.
Maitsemeeled tahavad vahepeal ka midagi äärmiselt mahedat. Selleks sobib väga hästi see retsept.
Võid julgelt müsli oma menüüsse võtta, kui selle tervislikult valmistad. Ja see maitse...
Seda Pasta Carbonarat ei pea kartma, sest leiad sealt ainult tervislikud komponendid. Häid maitseid ei pea ohverdama.
Kui sa jumaldad peekonit ja pannkooke, siis tervita oma uut lemmiktoitu!
If you have a question about your meal plan, please email
The "Erik Orgu" website and mobile apps are managed by Dietless OÜ (registered with company no. 12840366 at Tartu mnt 84a-112, 10112 Tallinn). All rights reserved. "Erik Orgu" (© 2017) is a registered trademark. Use of our services, website and app is subject to our Terms of Use.
These terms of use apply between you, the User of this App (iOS or Android mobile application, or the website and any of its sub-domains - hereinafter all collectively referred to as the App), and Dietless OÜ ("us", "we", or "our"), the owner and operator of this App. The “Erik Orgu: Elu ilma dieedita” privacy policy which regulates our use of your personal data, forms an integral part of these terms. Please read these terms carefully, as they affect your legal rights. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these terms is deemed to occur upon your first use of the App. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, you should stop using the App immediately. In these terms of use, User or Users means any third party that accesses the App and is not either (i) employed by Dietless OÜ and acting in the course of their employment or (ii) engaged as a consultant or otherwise providing services to Dietless OÜ and accessing the App in connection with the provision of such services. You must be at least 18 years of age to use this App. By using the App and agreeing to these terms of use, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age.
Dietless Ltd ("us", "we", or "our") uses cookies on the website and the iOS and Android Dietless mobile applications (the "Service"). By using the Service, you consent to the use of cookies. Our Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how we use cookies, how third-parties we may partner with may use cookies on the Service, your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies.
Our Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how we use cookies, how third-parties we may partner with may use cookies on the Service, your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies.
Cookies are small pieces of text sent to your web browser by a website you visit. A cookie file is stored in your web browser and allows the Service or a third-party to recognize you and make your next visit easier and the Service more useful to you.
Cookies can be "persistent" or "session" cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your personal computer or mobile device when you go offline, while session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your web browser.
When you use and access the Service, we may place a number of cookies files in your web browser.
We use cookies for the following purposes:
We use both session and persistent cookies on the Service and we use different types of cookies to run the Service:
In addition to our own cookies, third-parties may also use cookies to report usage statistics of the Service, deliver advertisements on and through the Service, and so on. We usually have no control over those cookies, however. Most often than not, these cookies are analytical/performance/targeting cookies.
If you'd like to delete cookies or instruct your web browser to delete or refuse cookies, please visit the help pages of your web browser.
Please note, however, that if you delete cookies or refuse to accept them, you might not be able to use all of the features we offer, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our pages might not display properly.
These campaign terms form part of and apply in conjuction with the general Terms of Use for the "Erik Orgu" website.
Käesolevad kampaaniatingimused moodustavad lahutamatu osa „Erik Orgu: elu ilma dieedita” Kasutustingimustest
This Privacy Policy forms an integral part of “Erik Orgu: Elu ilma dieedita” Terms of Use, explaining how and for what purposes Dietless OÜ ("us", "we", or "our") collects, uses, retains, discloses and safeguards the personal data of its Users. Dietless Ltd commits to protecting you privacy and personal data.
By registering for and in any way using or accessing the App (iOS or Android mobile application, or the website and any of its sub-domains - hereinafter all collectively referred to as the App), you accept the terms of this Privacy Policy and the processing of your personal data.
For the purpose of the Data Protection Act (hereinafter: Act), your personal data is processed by (data controller) Dietless OÜ, registered in Estonia, with company registration no. 12840366 and registered offices at Tartu mnt 84a-112, Tallinn, Estonia; e-mail:
The nominated representative for the purposes laid out in the Act is Martti Oigus (
We will collect and process the following data:
We also collect some information with the help of cookies. For more detailed information on cookies, please read the “Erik Orgu: Elu ilma dieedita" Terms of Use found on our website
We use the abovementioned information for:
Dietless Ltd keeps your personal data private and will not sell or share data with any third parties, unless they are explicitly listed in this policy or in cases prescribed by applicable law.
You hereby give your consent to share your personal data with:
We may also disclose your personal data to third parties upon selling the business or part of it, in which case the data could be shown to prospective buyers and transferred to them with the sale.
We store all of your personal data on our secure servers and we constantly make sure that your data is protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. When you have provided us with your personal data, we will do our best to prevent unauthorized access, but it is paramount that you do your due diligence by keeping your own e-mail address (for magic link login) and other login details secure.
You may always turn to us and ask us to stop processing your personal data, entirely or in part. You can exercise that right at any time by contacting the “Erik Orgu: Elu ilma dieedita” customer service at You acknowledge that this may result in significant changes to the provision of our service, including the discontinuing of your subscription in case we are unable to keep providing the service to you without losing the required level of quality of substance.
You have the right to access all of your information and data that we process. Please bear in mind that this might result in a one-off fee to meet our costs in providing the details to you.
We reserve the right to change this policy at our discretion. All changes we make will be disclosed on our website
Dietless OÜ is a company registered in Estonia, with company registration no. 12840366 and registered offices at Tartu mnt 84a-112, Tallinn, Estonia. Dietless OÜ operates the App "Erik Orgu: Elu ilma dieedita" (iOS and Android mobile applications, and website
You can contact Dietless OÜ by email on